GK quiz

gk questions with answers

GK quiz GK questions with answers 300+ MCQ GK questions with answers

GK quiz

1 / 100

1) The reason behind decrease in the boiling point of water at highest altitudes is

2 / 100

2) Joint session of the Parliament is summoned by

3 / 100

3) Custodial torture is

4 / 100

4) Where is ISRO Master Control Facility located?

5 / 100

5) Which of the following is true

6 / 100

6) Who of the following is the author of the famous book Das Kapital

7 / 100

7) Due to rusting the weight of iron

8 / 100

8) Which one of the following metals does not form amalgams?

9 / 100

9) In the Cell Biology the term Totipotency refers to potential

10 / 100

10) Unit for measuring the amplitude of sound

11 / 100

11) In which city is the Central Institute of Indian languages located?

12 / 100

12) Which of the following is right

13 / 100

13) Who is the first person to receive Jnanpith Award for Kannada language ?

14 / 100

14) Which of the following is used to induce artificial rain

15 / 100

15) Which animal is the symbol of World Wildlife Fund (WWF)?

16 / 100

16) Musi and Bhima are tributaries of _ _ _ river

17 / 100

17) Sponge is to porous as rubber is to

18 / 100

18) The representative of the state in the Rajya Sabha are elected by which one of the following?

19 / 100

19) From which country the method of impeachment of the President of India is adopted from

20 / 100

20) Number of seconds in 12 hours equal to

21 / 100

21) The Supa Dam is located on which river

22 / 100

22) Which of the following is an example of an insulator

23 / 100

23) The following insignia of two stars is worn by

online exam kpsc

24 / 100

24) Why does Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats both receiver sufficient rainfall but Deccan Plateau receives scanty rainfall

25 / 100

25) The chairman of the National Human Rights Commission must be

26 / 100

26) How many right angles does a square have?

27 / 100

27) Who is the author of book my country my life

28 / 100

28) Pashmina Shawl is made from the hair of

29 / 100

29) LCD stand for

30 / 100

30) Which of the following commission was appointed by the Central Government on Union-State relations in 1983?

31 / 100

31) Which article of the Indian Constitution says that there will be a election commission in India

32 / 100

32) Where is Raman Research Institute located

33 / 100

33) Tsunamis are not caused by

34 / 100

34) Weibo is a social media platform popularly used in

35 / 100

35) Niacin is the Chemical name of which vitamin

36 / 100

36) Which of the the forces is tasked with guarding the India – China border

37 / 100

37) The following insignia of one star with strips is worn by

38 / 100

38) Which among the following does not come under fundamental duties of a citizen in India

39 / 100

39) What does HYVP stand for

40 / 100

40) Froth floatation process is used to

41 / 100

41) Who built the famous Shiva temple at Ellora?

42 / 100

42) If South-East becomes North, North-East becomes West, what will West become?

43 / 100

43) Which among the following is the national water animal of India

44 / 100

44) Where is the Indian Coast Guard Academy being established

45 / 100

45) Which of the following is not an example of solid waste?

46 / 100

46) When is the International Yoga Day celebrated?

47 / 100

47) Who is the chairman of Rajya Sabha

48 / 100

48) Dada Saheb Phalke Award was recently awarded to which celebrity in 2019?

49 / 100

49) Kaveri river water dispute is between

50 / 100

50) Disinvestment is a

51 / 100

51) Where is Police Driving & Maintenance School located?

52 / 100

52) The election commission of India is not concerned with the elections of/to the

53 / 100

53) In case the President of India decided to resign, he will address his letter of resignation to

54 / 100

54) India’s first corporate train Tajas Express runs between

55 / 100

55) Ladak is _ _ _

56 / 100

56) Electric current is measured by

57 / 100

57) What is the shape of the Milky Way galaxy in which our solar system is situated

58 / 100

58) The Rathas Of Mamallapuram in Tamil Nadu were built by the dynasty of

59 / 100

59) Aadi granth,  the first rendition of Guru Granth Sahib was compiled by

60 / 100

60) Gol Gumbaz of Vijayapura was built by

61 / 100

61) On which report basis Karnataka state was formed in 1956?

62 / 100

62) Strait of Gibraltar connects which of the following

63 / 100

63) Which of the following city has commissionerate system of policing

64 / 100

64) Which of the following is not a condition for becoming citizen of India

65 / 100

65) Who founded the Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha

66 / 100

66) What did Hunter commission appointed by the viceroy probe

67 / 100

67) Who is the author of Gadugina Bharat

68 / 100

68) The Union Government has instituted the highest civilian award in the field of contfibution to the Unity and Integrity of India in the name of

69 / 100

69) Which of the following is not right

70 / 100

70) Arrange the following Satyagraha in order

a. Ahmedabad satyagraha

b. Champaran Satyagraha

c. Rowlatt Satyagraha

71 / 100

71) Dry ice means _ _ _

72 / 100

72) What is the minimum age to be appointed as the chief minister of a state

73 / 100

73) Which of the following is the west flowing river of Karnataka

74 / 100

74) If radius of circle is tripled then area of circle will be increased by

75 / 100

75) Settlements found during Keezhadi exacavations belong to

76 / 100

76) Which of the following is the tributary of Krishna river

77 / 100

77) Largest State of India areawise is

78 / 100

78) Radio Carbon dating technology is mainly used to estimate the age of

79 / 100

79) Which of the following statement about Bitju Maharaj is true?

80 / 100

80) Who became the first Indian male boxer to qualify for the final of World Boxing Championship?

81 / 100

81) The term of office of the Vice President is

82 / 100

82) Where is the tomb of Mughal Emperor Akbar located?

83 / 100

83) At which place did Adi Shankracharya establish the first of the four mathas?

84 / 100

84) Go back to Vedas this call given by

85 / 100

85) Who is regarded to be responsible for the spread of Jainism in Karnataka?

86 / 100

86) Which of the following is considered as the purest form of iron

87 / 100

87) Tejas is one

88 / 100

88) An important centre of the textile industry

89 / 100

89) Cooperative societies as a subject is listed in which list of the constitution

90 / 100

90) In which district the Hampi Monuments are located?

91 / 100

91) KSRP stands for

92 / 100

92) The goods and service tax (GST) is a determined by which body in India

93 / 100

93) In which session of Congress the demand of Purna Swaraj was accepted as the aim of the Congress

94 / 100

94) Treaty of Madras was signed after the

95 / 100

95) Who is the longest-serving Chief Minister of Karnataka?

96 / 100

96) Which of the following amendments had reduced the age of voters from 21 years to 18 years

97 / 100

97) Which of the following neighbouring countries of India is not a landlocked country

98 / 100

98) Speed of processor chip is measured in

99 / 100

99) Mica is extensively used in the electrical industries because

100 / 100

100) Which of the following energy is not from sea

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